Monday, June 19, 2017

Tiritiri Matangi Island’s Native Birdlife (Brief Overview)

Tiritiri Matangi Island’s Native Birdlife
Some of these birds we have already learned about, some we will learn about soon.

Hihi (stitchbird)- A medium-sized forest species, hihi compete with tui and bellbirds for nectar, insects and fruits. Until recently they were only found on Little Barrier Island.
Hihi (Stitchbird)

Kaka (bush parrot)- The North Island kaka is a large olive brown forest parrot. Listen for the repeated, rhythmic “ka-aa” when flying above the forest canopy, or a harsh grating “kroak” alarm call when disturbed.
Kaka (Brush Parrot)
Kakariki- Very rare in the North Island, kakariki can be heard by the loud chatter “ki-ki-ki-ki” as they fly above the forest canopy.
Kokako (blue wattled crow)- A very rare drawcard to the island. Their song is reportedly the most beautiful in the world.
Korora (little blue penguin)- Situated above the beach are penguin nesting boxes used by korora during breeding and moulting season. The smallest species of penguin, and the most common found all around coasts of New Zealand.
Korora (Little Blue Penguin)
Korimako (bellbird)- The bellbird is a dark olive green member of the honeyeater family. They get their name from the bell-like quality of its song that can usually be heard at dawn and dusk.
Korimako (Bellbird)
Pateke (brown teal)- One of the world’s rarest ducks, the pateke is endemic to New Zealand, recognizable for their dark brown plumage.
Pateke (Brown Teal)
Popokotea (whitehead)- Usually found in flocks high in the forest canopy, these birds have a variety of calls, sometimes a buzzing noise or background chatter.
Popokotea (Whitehead)
Takahe- From the same family as the pukeko they are an incredibly rare, and very inquisitive bird- keep an eye on your lunch!
Tieke (North Island Saddleback)- These poor fliers can be seen bouncing from branch to branch. They rarely fly more than 50 meters at a time.
Tieke (North Island Saddleback)
Titipounamu (rifleman)- New Zealand’s smallest bird measuring only 8cm. They are the newest addition to the island family.
Titipounamu (Rifleman)
Toutouwai (North Island Robin)- Curious little birds known to approach humans with interest, and are one of the easiest birds to photograph on the island.
Toutouwai (North Island Robin)

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