Sunday, June 25, 2017

New Zealand Wildlife- Gone Forever

Here is a list of just some of the species that are gone forever (such a shame):

Greater short-tailed bat
South island giant moa
North island goose
Chatham island fern bird
Mantell's moa
South island adzebill
Stout-legged moa
Scarlett's duck
Crested moa
Aurora frog
Eastern moa
North island piopio
Chatham island bellbird
Little bush moa
New Zealand musk duck
North island giant moa
Stout-legged wren
Heavy-footed moa
Forbes harrier
Upland moa
Waitomo frog
North island snipe
Long-billed wren
South island goose
New Zealand bittern
Finsch's duck
South island kokako
Chatham island raven
Hutton's rail
Oligosoma northlandi
Bush wren
New Zealand owlet-nightjar
Forbes' snipe
Narrow-bodied skink
Hodgen's waterhen
Hawkin's rail
Sphenodon diversum
New Zealand grayling
Dieffenbach's rail
North island adzebill
Haast's eagle
South island snipe
Chatham island duck
Markham's frog
South island piopio
New Zealand raven
Chatham island coot
Waitaha penguin
Southern merganser
New Zealand quail

This long list shows that we need to do something now to protect NZ's wildlife before this list gets even longer!

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