Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Life After Magellan

Life After Magellan:

My Magellan was so amazing I never wanted to come home! Traveling the world independently was definitely an eye opening experience. Before my trip people were always asking me, “Wow, aren’t you scared to go all alone?? Won’t you get lonely??” I wish I counted how many times I got asked that. Truthfully, I wasn’t scared at all for that part because in my mind, the other people in the hostel are alone too so why not just be alone together and become friends right? It also helps that I would consider myself a very friendly and personable person. During my trip I really only felt lonely a few times in the beginning but after about a week and a half I was loving every second of it and never felt lonely. I made amazing friends everywhere I went. If you ever get to travel the world I highly recommend staying in hostels because you meet so many other travelers from around the world and form friendships that will last a lifetime. Now I can truly say that I have friends all around the world! Traveling the world alone also made me extremely independent, even more than I was before. I had to figure out how to get from place to place, cook, and be able to handle whatever was thrown my way. My issues started right away, when I landed in Australia and found out my luggage got left behind in Los Angeles! That was definitely not the first thing I wanted to hear after landing in Australia. I had to buy clothes and essentials to last me until my luggage got to me, which ended up being 4 whole days! I even had to extend my stay at the first hostel and cancel the second one because I had to stay longer to wait for my luggage to arrive. Words cannot explain how relieved I was once I saw my blue bag once again!!

I did so many fun and exciting things during my Magellan that I had the time of my life- literally. I was so busy every day and I loved it that way. I didn’t even have time to miss people and feel lonely so that definitely helped me not feel homesick. I got to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, play with kangaroos and wallabies, go skydiving, surfing, bungy jumping, snowboarding, hold a koala, hike in the rainforests, climb waterfalls, be surrounded my wildlife and nature everywhere I went, all while creating memories that will last a lifetime! This project will not only look great on my resume, but it also taught me a lot.

After the most exciting month of my life and an amazing start to summer, everything else seems so boring. Yes it was great to come home for the first time since Christmas basically, and see my friends and family who I missed, but having an everyday schedule of waking up, working out, going to work, playing sports, going to sleep and repeating, it’s just not nearly as fun as my time abroad was. Before 2017 I had only been out of the country to Canada, but in the past six months I have been to seven different countries (including Canada again). After that all I want to do is keep traveling the world and go to all these amazing different places on my bucket list. Also, I definitely want to go back and see other places in Australia and New Zealand, and I could honestly see myself living in one of those countries when I am older.

W&J and the Magellan Project have made my life goals possible ad I cannot express enough how thankful I am for the opportunities I was given. I HIGHLY recommend doing a Magellan if you are a W&J student because it was such an amazing once in a lifetime experience. And if you aren’t a W&J student, I still highly recommend going out of your comfort zone and go see the world! There are so many cool places to see that are so different than your everyday life in the US and it is really eye opening to see how the rest of the world lives. The Magellan Project has not only changed my outlook on life, but it has also prepared me for the rest of my life and I will be forever grateful for that.


Self-Assessment: A short summary of my research- for a more in depth view read all my posts on my blogs.

            The coolest thing about Australian wildlife is that over 80% are endemic to Australia (not found anywhere else in the world). Just like Australia, the majority of wildlife in New Zealand is native to the country. Unfortunately, both of these countries have extinction problems. 1/3 of Australia’s unique mammals are at the risk of extinction! The Australian government regulates international trade, protecting species against overexploitation and Australian ecosystems against the introduction of foreign species. As for New Zealand, Europeans bringing predators with them, along with the loss of habitat, led to the extinction of a number of species. Because of this tragedy, over 20% of New Zealand is covered in national parks and reserves. There is a strict no-take policy in these parts of the country which means that no fishing or disrupting the land is allowed.

My research had a profound effect on me. I truly realized how many species in Australia and New Zealand are endemic and endangered. The Great Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage site that is as fragile as it is beautiful. Coral bleaching is becoming more and more of an issue for the reefs. They are an integral part in the survival of oceanic ecosystems. There are a few things that can be done so save the reefs including; not wearing sunscreen in the water, not touching the coral, and scientists removing the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish and the Drupella Snail.      
One of the most well known animals in Australia is the koala. One thing Australians can do to save koalas is stop building in their eucalyptus environments. Since this is the only area they can survive, if they are destroyed they have nowhere else to go. Because of this they are all crammed into the few eucalyptus woodlands left, spreading more diseases. Australians can also not let their pets  out at night as they prey on koalas. 80% of koalas along Queensland’s Coast have already been lost. The Australian Koala Foundation is hoping to secure a Koala Protection Act to help ensure the survival of koalas, modeled after the Bald Eagle Protection Act of the US which prohibits selling, killing or possessing the species.
Another iconic animal for Australia is the cassowary, Australia’s heaviest bird. They are endangered due to habitat destruction by houses and farms, pigs and dogs hunting them, and getting hit by cars. They are known as a keystone species, meaning that if they went extinct there would be huge repercussions as they are vital since they disperse seeds.
Native to an island off of Australia’s mainland, is the Tasmanian Devil of Tasmania. They are endangered due to Devil Facial Tumor Disease, where tumors grown around their face and muzzle and is highly contagious and make it difficult for them to feed.
Australia is home to two of the most venomous snakes in the world, the Inland taipan and the Eastern brown snake. The Inland taipan is so venomous that one bite has enough poison to kill 100 fully grown men, however it is shy unlike the Eastern brown snake which is responsible for about 60% of snake bite deaths in Australia.  
A cool fact about kangaroos is that they can do something called embryonic diapause. This means that they can literally pause the embryonic development and get pregnant again. They can have up to three embryos at a time! Kangaroos are similar to another one of Australia’s famous animals, the wallaby. However, there are distinct differences between the two including their snouts, where they live, and the size of them.
Echidnas are found all throughout Australia, and the “spines” on their bodies are actually long, hollow, tough hair follicles that serve as their main form of defense.
 New Zealand’s wildlife (Te Wao Nui) is divided into six habitats: The Coast (Takutai), The Islands (Moutere Rahui), The Wetlands (Ngo Repo), The Night (Te Po), The Forest (Te Wao Nui a Tane) and The High Country (Whenua Waotu). In caves are glowworms, which are actually the larvae of the Arachnocampa luminosa fly (found no where else). They glow due to a chemical reaction, and that light draws in insects who get stuck in the worms’ threads of silk.
The Coast: Whales are popular in New Zealand winters because that is their migrating season. Albatross’ are birds who can cover 1800km in just a single day! Fur Seals are the most common seals in NZ and their population is growing. Today commercial fishing is one of the main sources of death usually by entanglement and drowning. In New Zealand this species is protected by the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978 which specifies that all wild seals cannot be touched or fed. New Zealand now has 6 penguin species: Yellow-eyed penguin, Erect crested penguin, Snares crested penguin, Fiordland crested penguin, Eastern rockhopper penguin, Little blue penguin (the world’s smallest penguin). Also, NZ has more species of sea birds nesting along its shores than any other country. There are many conservation movements going on to save the wildlife, sometimes to even move endangered species to protected islands. Also a rahui is a set of restrictions that local tribes place on activities and natural resources in the area in order to restore the area.
In the harsh landscape and extreme climate of the high country, almost every living thing is unique. The inhabitants of this rugged landscape are well-known for their resilient character. The world's only alpine parrot is the kea, the kea's intelligence helps it survive and adapt in the harsh alpine environments of the South Island. 
The Islands: Tuatara belong to an ancient family of reptiles that have remained virtually unchanged since before the time of the dinosaurs. They are the last of their kind on the planet. Tuatara today only survive in pest-free sanctuaries and off-shore islands. Another fact is that New Zealand has over 30 species of skink and over 40 species of gecko. Antipodes Island Parakeet is a parakeet found only on Antipodes Island. Island refugees show that the native birds and reptiles can thrive if we keep them safe from predators. These sanctuaries require ongoing care to remain pest free. 
The Forest: For it's size, New Zealand has lost more Rainforest than any other country on Earth! 99% of its original forest cover is lost forever. The kauri tree is a national treasure of New Zealand. Kauri are now threatened by the kauri dieback disease. Kauri dieback is caused by a fungus-like disease which is spread through soil movement. Please clean your shoes, tires and equipment of all soil before and after visiting kauri forests, and keep to the tracks.
The Wetlands:  Less than 10% of the wetlands that existed before human settlement remain today, and they support more bird life than any other habitat in New Zealand. 
The Night: The night reveals some of New Zealand's most distinctive and precious animals, like the iconic flightless bird, the kiwi, which are a symbol of New Zealand's unique natural heritage. Natives are even called Kiwis! Also, the morepork is New Zealand's only endemic owl.

This is a VERY condensed version of my research, so for the full research please see my in depth blogs I have already posted.

About Me

About me:

From the moment I heard of W&J and their Magellan Project, I knew I wanted to go to this school and do one. W&J has so many amazing opportunities for students to travel and that is exactly what I’ve wanted to do my whole life. My Magellan topic is “the differences in wildlife and environmental policies between Australia and New Zealand” and there are many reasons as to why I chose this particular topic. Ever since I was a little girl I loved any animal I have ever known or came in contact with. I was always playing outside in the creek and woods behind my house. I always made sure none of my friends or family would kill any animals, including the harmless little ants. My favorite animal used to be sea turtles after I swam with them while snorkeling in Hawaii in sixth grade. Being next to these giant peaceful animals was an eye opening experience. Normally on land we feel like the big ones, the ones that smaller animals are afraid of. But in the water, the majority of the wildlife is bigger than us and could harm us, yet they let us live in harmony with them while swimming, snorkeling, diving, etc. This experience made me fall even more in love with all animals. Ever since then whenever we visit new places, I want to go to a zoo, snorkel, go hiking, or any other activity that gets me closer to nature and different wildlife.

My passion for all types of animals since I was a little kid made me want to be a Veterinarian when I grew up. That is why I chose Washington & Jefferson College, because of their prestigious pre-med/ pre-health programs. I stayed with this mentality for a while until I realized I could never operate on animals, if I lost one I would never be able to move on from it. So I decided to just have a plethora of pets when I grow up: fish, cats, dogs, bunnies, etc. This however does not satisfy my love for wild animals such as elephants, tigers, koalas, kangaroos, lions, giraffes, and more. This is why I want to do a Magellan on wild animals such as the ones aforementioned. Learning more about each of the animals and studying how we has man kind can protect them from becoming endangered or disappearing as a whole is what I want to gain from this project.

I chose Australia and New Zealand for a number of reasons. I have always wanted to travel to these countries; they are on the top of my bucket list. I love traveling and my dream is to travel the world. I went to Italy for an intersession class, and this is something I had wanted to do from the moment I committed to being a member of the class of 2019 here at W&J. I am happy I followed through with my dream and made it happen. It also made me realize, that with the help of Washington & Jefferson College, I can achieve my other dreams as well. This is where the Magellan project comes in to play. By traveling to Australia and New Zealand I get to travel to two places on my bucket list while studying my love for wild animals and learning how to give them protection against exploitations and annihilation they so very much need. All two of these countries pride themselves in their wildlife. Well over half of the wildlife in Australia is native to the country, which makes it a unique place to study the endemic animals that you can find nowhere else such as kangaroos, koalas, and wallabies. This is also true for New Zealand, making it another unique place to study wildlife. Comparing the wildlife in these countries shows the differences in climate and origin that caused such species to be so different from each other.

By completing this research project, I hope that I can help make an impact on animal awareness here at W&J and hopefully to more people around the world by blogging about my experiences. The world needs to start taking care of these magnificent animals or else they will disappear for good. They were the first inhabitants of this world, and yet we continue to take their lives. After I graduate from Washington & Jefferson College, I plan on conducting research on endangered animals, or becoming part of some sort of law enforcement that would have the power to enforce such protectant laws for the animals, or something with psychology. This project would help give me the experience to do my first research on my own, and learn how to interact with people of different countries and continents which would help the psychology part of my future plan. By conducting this research project, I will learn more innovative ideas of how to save different types of wildlife, and how to apply that in their unique environments. I can make more people aware of the dangers of their actions and hopefully slow down and eventually stop the disappearance of endangered species. All in all this Magellan research project will fulfill my life dreams, give me experience in independent research, solidify my people skills which will help me in anything I do in life, and make a difference to wildlife as a whole one animal at a time.

The Magellan Project

The Magellan Project:

The Magellan Project at Washington & Jefferson College grants funding to students to create an independent study anywhere around the world or even just in the US. This is something the college is known for. The greatest part about this project is that it does not have to revolve around your majors or minors, it can be about anything you think of. For instance, I am studying neuroscience and psychology, but my Magellan was about wildlife!

There are many things we students must do before we can get approved for a Magellan. We have to think of a topic, and then create a proposal that includes every aspect of the trip, which the Magellan committee must approve. This proposal includes: a personal statement, a detailed essay of your project and why it is important to you, a budget including lodging, activities, food, flights, etc., and any contacts you have made regarding your research. This proposal was very hard to begin, as I have never planned anything like this before. However, there were many people I could talk to and get help from. It was very eye opening and prepared me for future proposals I may do in my life- my mom has even put me in charge of planning and budgeting our family vacations now!

The Magellan Project gave me, and many others, confidence as traveling the world independently can be very daunting. Doing so showed how strong and independent I truly am.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Kiwi & Birdlife Park

While in Queenstown, New Zealand (South Island) I visited the Kiwi & Birdlife Park near my hostel. This park has a wide variety of endemic wildlife, and it was started by a couple who turned this near dump into a wildlife sanctuary. Some of these animals we have already learned about.

New Zealand Falcon (karearea) are endemic to New Zealand. It is its fastest and most aggressive bird of prey. They are nationally threatened and endangered. It is often confused with the common Australasian Harrier, which is much larger.
New Zealand Falcon
Swamp Harrier (kahu) are native to New Zealand. They are self introduced from Australia about 800 years ago. They are now common and widespread.
Swamp Harrier
If you see a bird of prey in New Zealand it will be one of these two (falcon or harrier). But how will you tell which? The falcon is extremely rare while the harrier is common throughout New Zealand. The falcon is fast, with rapid wing beats while the harrier mostly glides and wings set in shallow'v'. Falcons are aggressive and fast and they stoop and dive, they ambush and chase other birds while the harrier searches slowly soaring on in the wind and drops on prey. Falcons eat exclusively live prey and prefer small native birds and are not seen eating road-kill or carrion while the harrier eats mammals and carrion and are frequently seen on New Zealand roads eating dead possums and rabbits. Falcons have a rapid piercing and repeated call while the harrier's is generally silent with an occasional sound.
Owlet Nightjar, Eyles' Harrier and Laughing Owl are now extinct.
Eyles' Harrier
Laughing Owl (you can see where it gets its name from!)
Owlet Nightjar
The Haast's Eagle was the largest and heaviest bird of prey on earth and is now extinct. Weighing around 12kg, they preyed on other birds, especially the gigantic moa. The Haast's Eagle died out after the moa were hunted to extinction. Maori legend tells of the eagle killing children.
Haast Eagle attacking a Moa
Kiwi are New Zealand's most ancient bird, and is their national bird. Because New Zealand had only three native land mammals (tiny bats), kiwi evolved to fill a mammals niche. The unique features of a kiwi include: feathers are shaggy, like coarse hair, bones are heavy and marrow-filled, they have a mammal's low body temperature, live in burrows, chicks hatch fully feathered, but they take 3-5 years to attain adult size, and they are the only bird with nostrils at the tip of their bill. We learned about the five different species (Brown, great spotted, little spotted, rowi, and tokoeka). Rowi and tokoeka are the rarest kiwi- each has only a few hundred adults left. The female kiwi lays a gigantic egg in proportion to their weight- the equivalent of us giving birth to a 35 pound baby!!! Kiwi numbers have plummeted- from millions 200 years ago to about 70,000 today. Many of the places they lived are now cities, towns, or farms. Kiwi are killed by stoats, dogs, cats, ferrets, pigs, and possums. About 50% of kiwi eggs fail to hatch, and of the eggs that do hatch, about 90% of chicks are dead within six months- 70% killed by stoats or cats. About 5% reach adulthood. Kiwis are ratites and related to emu, ostrich, rhea, cassowary, and extinct moa. Ratites lack the keel bone which would normally support powerful flight muscles.
The Morepork is New Zealand's only endemic owl. It is a great forest hunter and can fly without making a noise because it's wing feathers have very soft edges. Maori called them Ruru because of the sound they make. They thought that the cry of a Ruru was a bad omen. Europeans thought that their call sounded like "Morepork". Most birds can't see well at night but Moreporks have  great night vision. They can see in every direction by swelling their head almost right round. Their eyes are on the front of their head like ours so that they can judge distance. The staring eyes on Maori carvings are said to be Morepork eyes. Moreporks also have excellent hearing. One ear is slightly higher than the other, which helps them work out where sounds are coming from. They listen for insects and small animals such as lizards and sleeping birds, then they sneak up on their prey silently, and pounce. They have adapted well to the changing environment. They originally lived in native forests but have adapted to live in man-made parks and pine plantations. Moreporks eat all of their prey but afterwards they cough up a pellet that contains all of the bones, feathers and fur. By pulling them apart with tweezers you can see what they ate for dinner. Rurus nest in hollow trees or in thick clusters of small plants growing in the crooks of branches. They lay two eggs in early sumer. Once the chicks are three weeks old they perch at the nest entrance waiting for their parents to bring them food. When they are small, chicks are fed on insects or small pieces of bird. When they get bigger their parents group whole birds for them to practice ripping food up with their claws and beaks.
Morepork (Ruru)
The comical Kea is a distinctive part of the South Island Mountains. With its loud calls of "keargh" this playful and ever curious bird soon makes itself known to skiers and hikers. There are many stories of kea antics, as they need to investigate any unusual object in their territory. They have been known to shred rubber door seals on cars, steal food and utensils, undo tent seams and generally cause havoc wherever possible. For a lot of the time kea are very private birds staying high in the mountains. In the late winter, the female kea builds a nest in a hollow tree or under a rock. She spends about three and a half weeks in the dark, quiet nest, incubating her eggs. The male brings plant and insect food to the entrance for her. The chicks stay in the nest for up to three months and both parents have to work hard to feed them. Even after fledging the parents will continue to feed them for several more weeks. The young kea learn by mimicking what their parents do and playing with each other. Once they are two or three years old and on their own, kea spend a few years hanging around in kea gangs. These are the kea's 'teenage' years and it is these gangs that are most often seen around places suck as ski fields. Kea use their strong beaks to drill into rotten wood for grubs, pick off leaves and berries and dig up moss, all part of their diet. Their clawed feet are really useful for picking up and holding objects. Kea faced a terrible fate in the early to mid 1900s when they were branded as sheep killers and people were paid to hunt them, but these days they are protected and the only shooting is done by photographers with their cameras! They have the same problem-solving (and mess-making) ability as a 4 year old child. Kea seem common in the wild because they are attracted to popular tourist destinations but their numbers are estimated at around 5,000. Kea are cheeky and inquisitive, the clown of birds and the only alpine parrot in the world- definitely worth protecting!
Kea damaging a windshield wiper
Black Stilts, or kaki as the Maori referred to them as, means neck or throat and comes from the fact that young birds in winter plumage have a white face, breast and belly with a black band at the throat.  The black stilt is one of the rarest wading birds in the world. It was once widespread throughout New Zealand, but now only survives in the Mckenzie Basin. Its numbers dropped to 50 in the early 1980s but have increased to around 150. Black stilts have glossy black plumage with a green sheen, red skinny legs and luminous orange eyes. Their long black bills allow them to probe in shingle and mud on the riverbed for insects. To try and save the black stilt, the Department of Conservation in Twizel runs a captive-breeding program. A breeding pair is held here at the Kiwi Birdlife Park as part of that program. It's main predators are introduced mammals like cats, ferrets, stoats and rats who eat the eggs and chicks. Man-made changes to rivers like damning have also destroyed the birds habitat and natural food. They have several different calls: loud 'yaps' which are alarm calls, quiet 'cheeps' which are contact calls to each other. Black stilts mate for life and new pairs are made usually in winter and early spring. They tend to nest on their own and family groups will defend their territories against other black stilts. This lone nesting makes them more vulnerable to predators. Nesting is from September to January and both birds join in building the nest and share the incubation, which lats for 25 days. The young are slow to mature and rely on both parents for warmth and protection. Juvenile black stilts are black and white and are easily confused with the common pied stilt. The young birds become completely black at around 18months - 2 years of age.
Adult Black Stilt (Kaki)
The Whio/blue duck is endemic to New Zealand, and one of the only four duck species in the world that lives in fast flowing water. They have a special soft lip on the end of their bill which acts like a head on a vacuum cleaner, allowing them to scrape off insect larvae that clings to rocks. They are most active at dawn and dusk and very often hide during the day so they may be hard to spot. Whio are nationally vulnerable and there are believed to be less than 3,000 remaining. The Auckland Zoo participates in the national breed for release program for these rare ducks, helping to boost their numbers in the wild. Whio cannot be held with other ducks as they are fiercely territorial. Their Maori name, whio,  mimics the call the male makes. The female makes a more rattling sound.
Whio/Blue Duck
The Yellow-crowned Parakeet like their cousins the Red-crowned Parakeet were known as Kakariki by Maori due to their bright green color- kakariki is the Maori word for green. The yellow-crowned parakeet is yet another New Zealand bird that has suffered from the destruction of native forest. Once common throughout the three main islands, the yellow-crowned parakeet declined considerably in the first part of the 1900s. It appears to be on the increase again, but is still rare in the area north of Auckland. It prefers mixed podocarp forest. On offshore islands, where the red-crowned parakeet also occurs, it favors taller unbroken forest and scrub; the red-crowned parakeet generally lives in more open areas with low vegetation. On the main islands, pairs or small groups usually feed in the forest canopy or on the outer branches and leaves of shrubs, and someones on or near the ground. However, on offshore islands where there are no introduced predators, like cats or stoats, the yellow-crowned parakeet commonly feeds on the forest floor. It eats a wide range of invertebrates, buds, shoots, flowers and seeds, including those of beech and podocarp. It's diet if very like that of the red-crowned parakeet but has a higher proportion of invertebrates. The breeding season depends on the availability of food. It can extend over most of the year. Young birds have been seen from July until April, but most eggs are laid between October and December. The nest is often in a natural hole in a living or dead tree. In captivity the birds begin breeding at less than one year. The clutch of elliptical white eggs varies from five to nine. The female, fed by the male, incubates for about 20 days. The young are fed on tender shoots and buds. Chicks leave the nest at five or six weeks and continue to be fed by both parents for a further week or so. 
Yellow-crowned Parakeet
Here at the Kiwi & Birdlife Park they are breeding Brown Teal (Pateke) as part of 'Operation Pateke'. The Brown Teal is New Zealand's least-known bird and one of the world's rarest waterfowl. They have been totally protected since 1921 but this has not stopped the decline of the species. To create farmland settlers drained swamps and chopped down forest, which destroyed a lot of the brown teal's habitat. There was also extensive shooting. But the greater the reductions, in some cases complete disappearance, occurred in the North Island after 1920, and may be blamed on an unidentified disease. A large population of brown teal survived on Stewert Island until the 1950s. When cats became common the birds disappeared from there in 1972. Small groups of brown teal are still found on the mainland, the closest being in Fiordland, but Great Barrier Island is probably the only place with a stable population, probably between 600 to 1,000 birds. Brown teal love heavily vegetated wetlands, preferably with some still or slow flowing open water. In some areas brown teal have adapted to farmland living by using partly overgrown stock ponds as their homes. Feeding usually starts at dusk and continues through the night. Insects, worms, and snails are on the menu as well as shoots and succulent roots of vegetation. Brown teal lay a clutch of 4-8 creamy eggs in a bowl of grass. The young chicks can fly 50-55 days after they have hatched. The male stays in the breeding territory as a guard, he looks after his family and is aggressive to all other waterfowl. Outside the breeding season brown teal are very sociable, getting together in big flocks at traditional sites and roosting communally. Sadly it is this trait that has contributed to their downfall: in Northland wherever a roosting site has been destroyed, the number of birds in the area has declined. Hopes of saving the brown teal rely on habitat protection and re-stocking the wild with captive-bred birds. 
Brown Teal (Pateke)
Maori folklore would say that a person who speaks very well speaks with the voice of the Tui (Parson Bird). Often this were kept in cages by Maori and after someone had told their grievance they were judged by the way the tui responded. The tui is famous for its songs. It is the first to sing in the morning and the last to sing at night. It is an incredible  mimic and was kept as a pet by Maori and taught to talk! Tuis love nectar, fruit and insects. You can attract tui to your garden with sugar water. Tuis are monogamous. Courtship involves chasing round and round the nest area after the male has fed the female. The pair also perform duets. Each pair live in a territory defended vigorously by the male, he chases intruders away with near vertical dives and much beak clicking and wing rustling. Tuis nest in a fork or outer branch of a tree and the nest is usually open weave twigs and sticks with a sparse lining of leaves, tree fern scales and moss. The female builds the nest and usually constructs several nests close together before deciding which one to lay her eggs in. Tui are well known for the white tuft under their chin which contrasts against their black feathers. 
The Campbell Island Teal is fully protected. They are very rare and only found on one of the sub-antarctic islands. Their wings are small for their side therefore they are flightless. Kiwi & Birdlife Park is participating in a nationally coordinated captive program. They were thought to be extinct for 200 years, but rediscovered on Dent Island in 1972. A successful captive breeding program and the world's largest rat eradication saw these rare ducks returned to their original home on Campbell Island where they are now thriving. 
Campbell Island Teal
New Zealand's Subantarctic Islands are isolated, windswept, beautiful and fragile. Located several hundred km south and east of New Zealand, the isolation and harsh climate of these island groups have led to a surprisingly diverse and unique flora and fauna. NZ's Subantarctic Islands were honored with World Heritage status in 1998, being described by the United Nations Environment Program as "the most diverse and extensive of all subantarctic archipelagos." Not all parrots live in paradise. The Antipodes Island parakeet lives only on Antipodes Island, a cold, windy, bleak and unforested Subantarctic Island. As unique as their landscape, this parakeet has adapted to spending most of their time on the ground and they are even known to scavenge and hunt seabirds as a food source. These parakeets are larger than other NZ parakeets, their bill is heavier and their heads are entirely green. 
Antipodes Island Parakeet
Weka are flightless birds with a great homing instinct. They are able to walk great distances and can also swim across rivers and streams, some have been known to swim distances of up to a kilometer to get home! Last century, when weka were widely abundant, local populations were found to appear and disappear abruptly and unaccountably. Birds today walk up to one kilometer to camp sites or picnic spots, where they steal caps of food and bright objects such as spoons. Once hunted by Maori for food, feathers and oil, weka are now protected everywhere except the Chatham Islands. The natural diet of weka in forests is predominantly fallen fruits and invertebrates. They also eat lizards, snails and the eggs and young of birds. Weka often kill mice, rats and young rabbits. Weka who live on the coast make their dinner from sandhoppers, shellfish and storm-cast food. On farmland they eat grasses and seeds, and in some areas they are blamed for pulling out seedlings and damaging vegetable crops such as tomatoes. Agricultural development and the introduction of mammalian predators were the reason for a drop in the number of weka late last century. But the biggest problem was between 1915-1925, when many vanished suddenly, from most of the North Island and parts of the South Island, probably due to disease. Pairs may remain together for many years and defend their home throughout the year. Nesting has been recorded in every month of the year but the peak of the breeding season seems to be July and August. Nests are usually on the ground in dry, sheltered areas concealed in vegetation, but logs, rock overhands, burrows and even outbuildings are used. Most nests are made of grass and lined with finer grass or sometimes feathers, wool, hair and leaves. Their ovoid eggs are creamy white to pinkish with scattered brown and pale purplish blotches, and are laid in clutches of one to six. Incubation, shared by both parents, takes 25-27 days.Though chicks are active within hours of hatching, they stay close to the nest for two to four days. Then they are out in the open. 
Wood Pigeon's (Kereru's) feathers change color in different lights and are so glossy they shimmer. Maori legend says that the wood pigeon's colors come from the clothes the  God Maui wore when he changed into a pigeon so that he could visit the underworld to look for his parents. Wood pigeons are NZ's largest flighted forest bird. In spring the male wood pigeons show off to the females with amazing flying displays through the trees. They swoop up out of the forest high into the air and then zoom down through the trees and back up again just missing the branches around them. Wood pigeons feed on berries and fruit from February to March and foliage, especially Kowhai leaves, from June to January. They play a very important role in dispersing the seed of many of the native plants. Wood pigeons were an important food source for early settlers and Maori who used to hunt them. During autumn the birds feast on miro berries which make them thirsty so Maori would set nooses along the riverbanks. The birds would come to drink and as they stood up would trap themselves in the noose. The hunter could then come along and collect up the birds for dinner. Nesting usually occurs from November to March and although their nests are simply flimsy platforms of sticks, wood pigeons are very good parents. They only have one chick, which they feed on milk that they excrete from the crops. Later the chicks feed on fruit pulp and they leave the nest after about six weeks. The wood pigeon has been fully protected since 1921 and numbers have gradually increased in more areas. Wood pigeons hardly ever coo but they make up for this by being very noisy ass they crash through trees. 
Wood Pigeon
The red-crowned parakeet like their cousins were known as kakariki by Maori due to their bright green color. When well cared for, red-crowned parakeets successfully raise many youngsters in aviaries throughout New Zealand and increasingly in many parts of the world. However, in the wild in NZ, rats and stoats prey on their nests and although they survive in large numbers on offshore islands, they are not scarce throughout the North and South Islands. Red-crowned parakeets tend to feed in lower parts of the forest and frequently on forest edges and to lower altitudes and so are perhaps more vulnerable to predators. Both the red and yellow crowned parakeets use the forest canopy as they search for food. They eat a large variety of plants including buds, seeds, leaves and berries. When amongst foliage their plumage blends perfectly with the leaves and it is very difficult to see them until they more. Once recognized, their three note call given while foraging indicates others are in the vicinity. They also have a different loud chattering flight call. Nests are in hollow branches or in holes in trunks, sometimes quite close to the ground. Most nesting occurs in spring and summer but it is believed that if there were enough food they would nest all year round. Red-crowned parakeets lay up to nine white eggs which they incubate for about 18-20 days. The male feeds the female with partly digested food outside of the nest. When the chicks hatch, the male continues to feed the female who then in turn passes the food to the chicks. As the chicks grow, the female leaves the nest more often to find food for herself and so the male looks after the youngsters. At five or six weeks the young leave the nest hole but the parents feed them for another week or two. These young will nest the following year. 
Red-crowned Parakeet